The RPS values

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The celebration of World Values Day on the 18th October, was an opportunity for us to reflect on our values as a business. We believe it is of integral importance that we, as human beings, accept responsibility for the environment we live in and treat it with care and respect.

One way we do this is to make conscious efforts around packaging waste, which is where the European Packaging Waste Directive comes in. The directive obligates producers of packaging to meet targets for the recovery and recycling of packaging waste.

Do you wonder how you can improve the management and handling of your waste packaging? Take a look at our tips below on how to reduce the environmental impact of your business’ waste; it really is as simple as the three Rs.


Have you considered whether the volume of waste you produce is in proportion with how many products you dispatch? Especially in terms of pallets, if products are packaged in a way that allows them to fit together on a pallet in an efficient way, the effective use of space will reduce the overall number of pallets needed.


Are your waste items re-usable? Here at RPS, we don’t believe that any pallets should reach landfill, not when they can be reused multiple times to carry goods.


If your packaging has been re-used to its maximum, recycling is the next step. Wood has huge environmental benefits and is completely biodegradable. Did you know, it’s also 100 per cent renewable?

Does your business have an objective to help the environment through reuse and recycling? Get in touch by calling 01642 465556 or tweet us @RPS_Limited.