RPS can supply both brand new pallets and reconditioned pallets. There are various different pallet specifications and our customers require a wide range of grades and sizes.
RPS will provide expertise on supplying the correct pallets making sure you get exactly what you need. Co-ordinating prompt deliveries on a national basis, RPS can be your 'go to' company for pallets. We can also heat treat pallets to ISPM15 international standard.
Please see below the types of pallets that RPS can supply.
RPS can supply reconditioned pallets providing your business with an environmentally sustainable packaging solution. Reusing a pallet helps to reduce the overuse of raw materials and reconditioned pallets can be supplied at a lower price compared to brand new ones.
RPS sorts, inspects and repairs all reconditioned pallets back to full working specification. That means you can use the pallets immediately without any worries.
With a wide selection of wooden pallets available, including Euro, Standard, CP and Square pallets, visit our specifications page for details. If you can't see what you're looking for, please give us a call on 01642 927765.
New wooden pallets are a great way to meet bespoke requirements or to maintain a guaranteed supply of the pallet specification you require. RPS can deliver new pallets to customers nationwide and we support UK wooden pallet manufacturers, ensuring the best prices, economic sustainability and least environmental impact.
To further enhance this, RPS can collect your 'new' pallets from your customers so they can be returned to you for reuse. Our recovery for reuse service will help reduce supply costs, improve environmental sustainability and reduce packaging waste. Please call us for further details.
Some of our clients