On Thursday 2nd October, Outpace Ltd. Director Tim Hutchinson was invited to present to members of Campden BRI on the topic of reusable packaging in the food and drink industry.
Campden BRI provides scientific, technical and advisory services to the food and drink industry. With an association of over 2,400 members in over 75 countries, Campden BRI concentrates on product safety and quality, process efficiency and product and process innovation.
Tim’s presentation to the Campden BRI Packaging Member Interest Group focused on the circular economy and the possibilities of establishing reusable packaging within the food and drink industry.
With proposed increased recycling and reuse targets set for 2020 and 2030 it is a prime time to look at the various options in which packaging reuse and recycling can promote sustainability, both economically and environmentally.
Producers and sellers in the milk industry have set voluntary targets to recycle or prepare for reuse 30% of packaging by 2015 and 50% by 2020. But is it now time for targets within the food and drink industry to become compulsory?
For the full presentation please visit the Outpace website news page.