News & Media - Page 51

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Defra consultation on waste plan launched

After delays due to additional assessments being conducted, Defra has published the waste management plan for England, bringing together existing waste management policies under one banner...

RPS Twitter Charity Fundraiser

The latest Twitter charity fundraiser has now finished and we managed to raise £80 for the Melissa Leech Lymphoma Association Tribute Fund - Registered Charity: 1068395...

RPS Twitter Charity Fundraiser donates to second charity this year

Everyone at RPS would like to thank all of those people who followed us in June. During the month we have received 80 new followers, therefore we will donate £80 to the nominated charity, the Melissa Leech Lymphoma Association Tribute Fund...

RPS achieve Gold at Zero Waste Awards

RPS is extremely proud to announce that it received a Gold award in the latest Lets Recycle Zero Waste Awards...
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Proposed changes to EC Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive could make reuse of industrial packaging compulsory

At the latest EC Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive review, under section 5.2 the following suggestions were discussed: reuse-  Expand the recycling target to include reuse by allowing the reuse of reuse reuse packaging be credited to the recycling target...
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Environmental Services Association report supports circular economy

The ESA (Environmental Services Association) has produced a report detailing the benefit of circular economy to GDP...
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