The ESA (Environmental Services Association) has produced a report detailing the benefit of circular economy to GDP. The report which suggests an investment of £10 billion and potentially creating 50,000 jobs for the industry could boost GDP by £3 billion.
Chairman of the ESA, David Palmer-Jones wrote in the report: “The circular economy is the best long-run approach to return the UK to sustainable growth.”
“The waste and resources industry can deliver this new economy. It is the means through which materials and energy can be returned into other productive parts of the economy. Its expertise can help redesign the UK’s supply chain to maximise material recovery and the economy’s resilience to the resource crunch of the future.”
Agreeably, if the UK increasingly reuses and recycles the resources it already has, it will not only generate a considerable economic benefit but will also encourage a sustainable environmental benefit. Some natural resources are diminishing and by formalising schemes such as reusing and recycling can help to use what we currently have, without the need to over-use what is left.
RPS works very effectively in the reuse section of the waste hierarchy. Packaging is a fantastic reusable asset that businesses should encourage the recovery of for reuse. Wooden pallets for example, could cost as much as £10-15 to purchase new, or more if it is bespoke. By using recovered reconditioned pallets your company will be exempt from the associated packaging waste obligation that a new timber pallet has and it will save you money as a recovered pallet could be returned for reuse at a much lower price than purchasing new.
RPS implement a collection, sortation, repair and delivery service of your packaging back to your facility without any impact on your business. You only pay for the pallets that have been returned for reuse and at a considerably lower cost than purchasing new. You will strengthen your environmental credentials and economically you will encourage the sustainability of your business.
For more details please get in touch on 01642 465556. Please read our case studies, demonstrating what RPS has done for other businesses and if we can do the same for you.Circular economy is our future. Together with RPS, we can help your business comply with the UK Waste Framework Directive and help you achieve sustainability.