RPS Director Tim Hutchinson On Hidden Gems Panel at Tees Valley Business Summit

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On Wednesday 9th July Tim Hutchinson, RPS Director, was invited to sit on a panel at the Hidden Gems event of the Tees Valley Business Summit. The Summit, held at Teesside University’s Olympia Building, showcased businesses from the region and brought together many companies from different industry backgrounds.


tees valley business summit


The Summit attracted record numbers of delegates and exhibitors this year, with over 1,000 people attending. The event included some regular features including one-to-one sessions with business adviser, a Business Solutions Exhibition presenting businesses and support channels and an ever increasing networking opportunity for company representatives to meet one another and increase their presence in the Tees Valley.

The recently added ‘Hidden Gems’ panel discussion focused on understanding how small to medium enterprises in the region have worked hard to maintain their businesses. It also covered any triumphs the business involved have embraced or hardships they have overcome. Delegates could listen and take note of the entrepreneurs that were on the panel and see how they could follow in their footsteps.

This year’s panel included Mike Odysseas, from Odyssey Systems, Tom Riley, from WhiteWash Laboratories, and Tim Hutchinson, Director of Returnable Packaging Services Ltd. The event was compered by Ian Kinnery, of the Institute of Directors North East.


Tim Hidden Panel Discussion


Stephen Catchpole, Managing Director of Tees Valley Unlimited, commented: “The aim of the Business Summit, which is the area’s largest networking event, was to enthuse, motivate, inform and provide business-generating and networking opportunities for companies across Tees Valley.

“The Summit provided the ideal forum to highlight the support available to growing businesses in Tees Valley with many of the Tees Valley Business Compass partners delivering workshops and being on hand to meet companies in the exhibition and networking sessions.”

Tim also took part in a live broadcast with BBC Radio Tees which promoted the Summit and showcased the businesses involved.