Record month for RPS and their quarterly Twitter Fundraiser

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Wow, what a month! We are extremely proud here at RPS that you’ve helped us to raise £153.30 for Lupus UK. This is our personal best for our quarterly twitter charity fundraiser and we are extremely lucky to have such conscientious followers.

The twitter charity fundraiser started in 2013 to help raise money for charities and organisations that are dear to the employees of the company. For every new follower received during the nominated month £1 would be added to the pot. The rules were updated during the year to also include a donation of £0.10 for every retweet we received too. This has helped to generate a fantastic £153.30 for Lupus UK during the month of April


About the Charity

The charity was set up to provide advice and welfare support for people with lupus. This is an extremely important part of any charity but with Lupus their aim to raise awareness and make sure people understand about the condition and ways in which help can be given. They have worked hard to publish information on the disease ensuring the most update to date literature is available and they have also used the media, including radio, television and twitter, to reach a wider audience.


Don’t forget that in July we are raising money for a very worthy cause, The Great North Air Ambulance. Please show your support by retweeting RPS and trying to raise a good sum on money. Click on the links below to LinkedIn and Twitter to keep up to date with RPS.


twitter button for rps returnable packaging solutions account              linkedin button for rps returnable packaging solutions account

In other charity news please click here to read how you can get involved in this year’s Stokesley 30 Mile Bike Ride which is taking place on Sunday 11th May.