Forget recycling, REUSE is the future

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In a world where sustainability is at the forefront of government agendas, why is there not a great deal of focus on reuse, or education relating to the differences of reuse and recycling?


Here’s an example. You get milk delivered in a glass bottle, you use the milk, rinse the bottle and then put the bottle back on your doorstep for the milkman to collect. You have just recycled the bottle, right? In actual fact you’ve put the bottle back on the step to be collected for reuse.


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The government waste framework directive explains what reuse, recycling and recovery is with regards to all wastes. For more details read our article on definitions or view our video on the waste hierarchy.


The question is, can we as UK businesses do more to reuse rather than recycle products that have been considered waste? The chances are you are probably already reusing items without realising. For example, do you send your empty ink cartridges to a company that refill them? That’s reuse.


You’re already doing it, now let RPS look at how you can implement the same processes to your packaging.


Can RPS collect your wooden pallets for you to reuse? Are there any barriers that stop your business from doing it? Has your business already got a solution that you’re 100% happy with?


RPS understands that time and effort are two of the biggest issues that prevents processes such as pallet reuse from taking place. RPS does all the hard work so you don’t have to. We’ll contact your customers to arrange pallet collections, make sure the pallets are fit for reuse and perform deliveries on time and in full.


 Wood waste scrap pallets used pallets pallet collection pallet recycling how can rps help returnable packaging solutions                      good reusable pallets tidy site yard rps returnable packaging solutions Let RPS help turn this . . .                                                   . . . into this


Like the age old saying suggests, where there’s muck there’s brass. Even today that saying couldn’t be closer to the truth. Encourage sustainability within your business by reducing your packaging costs through pallet reuse.


Get in touch now to find out how you can make UK businesses more sustainable. Either fill in our online contact form or call us on 01642 465556.


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