A boost to the circular economy

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A recent study from Reloop Platform and Zero Waste Europe has demonstrated that existing economic instruments could boost the circular economy.

The study aimed to identify waste streams where the introduction of proper economic incentive through public policies could contribute to the highest collection levels.

Produced by Rezero, the research discovered that deposit schemes, refundable taxes and take back schemes for products, such as beverage containers, would reduce litter and plastic pollution. This is fantastic!

It also suggested that these economic instruments could be used for mobile phones, carpets and coffee cups.

The idea of developing a circular economy, an alternative approach to the traditional linear economy we’re so used to, which involves making things, using things and then disposing of them, is one which we thoroughly support.

A circular economy involves using resources for as long as possible and by doing so extracting their maximum value. Once each resource is no longer able to fulfil its purpose in its current state it will then be regenerated for recycling, but only once reuse has reached its potential.

RPS believes in working in a circular economy and that’s why our pallet management process includes these simple steps:

  • Supply new / reconditioned pallets
  • Collect pallets and repair them
  • Redistribute reconditioned pallets for reuse
By doing the above, we can reduce wood waste and encourage sustainability.

We live in a circular economy, it’s in everything we do and can be applied to any industry!

Want to find out how your business could be more sustainable by promoting a circular economy? Call us on 01642 465556 or tweet us, @RPS_Limited.