RPS quoits champion stays in pole position

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The annual RPS sponsored Quoits Open Day, held at The Buck Inn, Maunby, had perfect weather conditions yesterday for an exciting knockout competition. Richard Watson, the current world quoits champion, upheld his record and won the competition for another consecutive year.


quoits rps open dayRichard Watson, world quoits champion, receiving the RPS cup

There were 24 entrants all of whom enjoyed the sun and beer whilst the competition progressed. Event organiser Gary Hudson commented: “We’ve had another amazing open day and it’s great to see so many people turn up to take part.

“It was a very close final which Richard won 21-18. The runner up, Martin Stubbs, put up a good fight which had all the spectators sitting on the edge of their bar stools.”


quoits rps open day 02Spectators looking on at the open day competition

Luckily the rain held off for the whole afternoon. Ten minutes after the presentation the heavens opened up and the contestants took refuge in the pub for a pie supper.