Waste can be expensive. The waste your business produces should be handled environmentally but sometimes costs outweigh the environmental benefits.
Wood waste, particularly used wooden packaging waste, can be extremely costly to dispose of. Packaging waste is bulky and with a current average of £230 per tonne to collect wood waste by skip, you could potentially waste space as well as your money. With costs so high is it time for you to re-evaluate your wooden packaging waste with the aim to reduce disposal costs and encourage environmentally sustainability?
RPS has a different approach. No skips, no wasted transporting space and definitely no pallets to landfill.
RPS has a cost effective wood recycling process to assess pallets and determine cost effective solutions for Grade A wood waste. Not only will it help your pocket, it will also encourage the most environmental handling options for waste packaging.
RPS does not operate wood skips. To maximise transport RPS collects empty used wooden pallets on artic vehicles ensuring the maximum number of pallets can be collected in one go. Pallets fit nicely on vehicles, unlike skips where they can get stuck in awkward angles wasting space.
RPS always applies the waste hierarchy by first and foremost determining whether used packaging can be reused. Unwanted pallets that can be reused may have residual value and a rebate could be provided to help offset collection costs.
Scrap pallets that cannot be reused will follow the next waste hierarchy option, recycling. RPS will shred Grade A wooden packaging waste into woodchip that can be recycled into animal bedding or chipboard products.
Following this, RPS finally sends additional woodchip to biomass for energy recovery, producing a fuel from a renewable source.
RPS believes a used wooden pallet is NOT waste, it is a resource. Reuse it, recycle it and as a final resort recover energy from it. Not one pallet should enter landfill and RPS is committed to preventing this from happening.
What’s even more beneficial is that RPS manages the entire collection and recycling process helping to save your business time and effort.
Speak to RPS to see how we can start saving you time, money and the environment on your wooden packaging waste.